News & Current Affairs

₿itcoin ₿reakdown: Bitcoin-focused newsletter with the highest signal-to-noise ratio in the space, carefully curated by an alien from the future.

LN Markets: Informative lightning focused blog located on a self custody training platform.

Marty's Bent: Be aware freaks!

The Orange Journal: The newsletter of Anita Posch, Bitcoin educator, author and founder of Bitcoin for Fairness.

Technical Focus

Bitcoin Review: Updates and commentary on bitcoin and related projects. Podcast | YouTube | RSS.

Bitcoin Optech: Brings the best open source technologies and techniques to Bitcoin-using businesses in order to lower costs and improve customer experiences.

DarthCoin's Bitcoin Guides: Guides and articles about Bitcoin and how to use it in practical use cases.

Stack Sats Newsletter: A weekly newsletter highlighting Lightning Network metrics, product updates, and tools for anyone to start stacking sats.


Natalia - Stories and guides from a digital nomad